Privacy Policy

  • Privacy Policy

    We, Traveling Sheep (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’), consider respecting and protecting the dignity and usefulness of personal information of customers essential in our business operations. We are committed to appropriate management and protection of personal information, adhering to the law and social order.

    1. Collection, use, and provision of personal information will be carried out within the necessary scope for business purposes, using legal and fair means for collection. We will use and provide the information only within the scope of the intended purpose. If there is a need to handle the information beyond the specified purpose, we will notify the individual of the purpose and obtain consent, ensuring that it is not used for purposes other than those specified. Appropriate measures will be taken for this purpose.

    2. For all personal information handled by the Company, measures to prevent and correct risks such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc., will be implemented.

    3. We will comply with laws, guidelines, social norms, and public order and morals related to the protection of personal information.

    4. We will establish a ‘Help Desk’ as the contact point for complaints, inquiries, requests for disclosure, etc., related to the handling of personal information, and will publicly disclose this information both within and outside the company. We will promptly and sincerely respond when requested by the individual.

    5. The Company will conduct regular audits and inspections to ensure the proper handling of personal information and will continuously work towards improvement.

  • Handling of Personal Information

    Traveling Sheep (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) handles and protects personal information based on the ‘Act on the Protection of Personal Information’ and the ‘Company’s Privacy Policy’ as follows.

    [1. Personal Information Collected and Held by the Company]

    The Company collects and holds personal information directly or indirectly related to providing or fulfilling products and services, such as travel reservations submitted by customers, as well as feedback and other communication with customers.

    The Company also collects and holds personal information related to business partners (including officers and employees of corporate partners) as personal data.

    [2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information]

    The Company uses customers’ personal information for the following purposes.

    • Arranging and receiving travel services provided by transportation and accommodation facilities (the main facilities are specified in contractual documents) for the trips customers have applied for, as well as procedures for payment of travel fees and other procedures related to the provision of travel services.
    • Providing other products and services from the Company or its partners.
    • Responding to inquiries, opinions, requests, and consultations from customers, including those related to products and services, contract preparations, and other matters.
    • Registering, managing, and notifying various membership programs.
    • Providing after-sales services for products or services.
    • Requesting opinions, feedback, and conducting surveys and other questionnaires.
    • Creating statistical data.
    • Maintaining, operating, and preventing issues, malfunctions, accidents, etc. related to products, services, networks, systems, etc.
    • Using personal information within the scope permitted by law.

    The Company uses personal information related to business partners (including officers and employees of corporate partners) for necessary communication, contract fulfillment, business negotiations, and partner management.

    [3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties]

    The Company provides personal information to transportation and accommodation facilities, service providers, insurance companies, and public agencies within the necessary scope for arranging travel services that customers have applied for and for procedures required to receive such services, within the necessary scope to ensure responsibilities under the Company’s travel contracts and for insurance procedures to cover expenses in case of accidents, and within the necessary scope to provide safety and hygiene information at travel destinations or for emergency contact purposes to confirm customers’ safety, and other necessary purposes. The provided personal information includes the customer’s name, ID, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, passport information, credit card information, emergency contact information, and other necessary personal information, and it is provided electronically or through other means.

    The Company may ask for your personal information of emergency contacts during your trip to prepare for any illnesses, accidents, etc. that may occur during the trip. This personal information will be used if the Company determines that it is necessary to contact the emergency contacts in case of illnesses or other situations during the trip. You must obtain the consent of the emergency contacts to provide their personal information to the Company.

    The Company provides your personal information, including your name, ID, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, and other necessary personal information, electronically or through other means, to transportation and accommodation facilities, service providers, and other relevant organizations or corporations that need the information to respond to inquiries, including inquiries about products or services, preparation for contracts, opinions, requests, and inquiries from customers.

    For the prevention of malfunctions, defects, accidents, etc. in products, services, networks, systems, etc., and for responding to such occurrences, the Company may provide your personal information, including your name, ID, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, and other necessary personal information, electronically or through other means, to relevant authorities and parties.

    The Company may also provide your personal data electronically or through other means, with your consent or within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.

    [4. Collection of Personal Information]

    The Company collects customer/user personal information primarily through the following methods

    • Directly from customers through oral communication (in-store, phone, etc.), written forms, fax, web, email, and other electronic means.
    • Automatically through access to the Company’s website, use of the Company’s services, etc., which may involve the automatic recording of information such as internet access history, service usage history, browsing behavior, device information, and network information (IP addresses, etc.) on the Company’s servers or the automatic transmission of information to the Company based on device settings, such as those on smartphones.

    The Company will not use personal information for purposes other than the intended use without the customer’s consent.

    In the case of customers who are minors, we will obtain the consent of their legal guardians, except in cases of emergency or as otherwise permitted by law.

    While customers have the discretion to select the items of personal information they provide to the Company, if all or some of the requested personal information is not provided, it may result in the inability to establish communication with the customer, provide travel services or other services, respond to customer requests, and the Company may not be able to accept customer applications, requests, or inquiries.

    [5. Outsourcing Personal Information]

    The Company may entrust all or part of the handling of customers’ personal information to third parties for the purpose of arranging travel, managing itineraries, conducting travel guiding services, providing airport assistance services, making payments for travel expenses, and other purposes related to the provision of travel services or other Company services, as well as for the purposes specified in Section 2 above or for the Company’s business purposes. In such cases, the Company will select the entrusted party based on its own criteria, and after concluding a contract that includes provisions for confidentiality, the Company will entrust the personal information.

    [6. Security Measures]

    We have established a personal information protection policy to prevent leakage, loss, and damage, and we will implement necessary and appropriate security measures based on this policy. Access by external parties to offices handling personal information is restricted, and when outsourcing tasks that involve the handling of personal information, we specify matters related to the handling of personal information in contracts and agreements.

    [7. Inquiries and Disclosure Regarding Customer Personal Information]

    For those who wish to receive notifications of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or cessation of provision to third parties regarding personal information held by the Company, please contact the help desk below. However, if such requests are likely to significantly impede the proper implementation of our business activities, we may not be able to comply. Additionally, if we cannot fulfill your requests in whole or in part, we will provide an explanation for the reason.

    Contact Information
    Traveling Sheep Help Desk
    Address: 43-7, Mandawatari, Shizuku ishi cho, Iwate
    * Requests should be submitted via postal mail or email to the designated contact point mentioned above.

    [8. Changes to This Policy]

    We may amend or revise this policy as necessary to respond to changes in laws or regulations and to meet business needs. Any such changes will be posted on this website. Please make sure to review the most recent version of this policy on this website after any modifications or revisions have been made.