Specified Commercial Transaction Act

  • Name of the Dealer

    Traveling Sheep

  • Representative

    Yuya Inomata

  • Address

    43-7, Mandawatari, Shizuku ishi cho, Iwate

  • Phone


  • Website

  • Fees

    Displayed for Each Product (Tour)

  • Additional Fees Apart from the Price

    Consumption Tax (The displayed prices include tax.)
    Shipping costs for various sent items
    Bank transfer fees, if applicable

  • Payment Timing

    For credit card payments, payment will be processed at the time of order placement and will follow the closing date of each credit card company. Travel products are subject to the conditions stated in the Travel Terms and Conditions document.

  • Payment Methods

    Credit card payment, Bank transfer

  • Delivery Timing

    Details will be provided separately for each product. For travel products, typically until the day before the departure date.

  • Cancellation and Changes (Travel Products)

    Cancellations and changes will be subject to the terms outlined in the Travel Terms and Conditions document, and specified cancellation (change) fees will apply.

  • Returns, Exchanges, and Cancellations (Excluding Travel Products)

    In the unlikely event that the delivered product is damaged or defective, please contact us via the inquiry form or phone within one week of the product’s arrival. We will bear the shipping costs for repair or replacement. If the delivered product cannot be repaired or replaced, we will refund the payment amount after receiving the returned item.

    Please note that returns or exchanges cannot be accepted under the following circumstances.

    • Items more than 8 days after delivery
    • Items that have been used Items that have been damaged or soiled while in your possession
    • Items that have been damaged or soiled while in your possession
    • Items with lost parts or accessories

    [Return Shipping Fee]
    For returns due to customer preference, the return shipping fee will be borne by the customer.
    However, in cases of defective items, we will cover the cost.

  • License and Approval Type

    Iwate governer registration travel industry Region limited-252